Welcome to our Blog

Welcome to our blog, your go-to source for tips to help you keep your home free from toxic chemicals.

chemical free hand soap

How to Choose Toxic Chemical Free Hand Soap

We use hand soap daily, but even “natural” ones can be full of toxic chemicals. Learn the 6 ingredients to avoid when looking for a toxic chemical free hand soap.

Electrolyzed Water 101

Learn about how salt, water and vinegar can be converted into a multi-purpose cleaner and deodorizer as effective as bleach, yet without harmful chemicals.
force of nature has no added fragrances

What is Fragrance: Chemical Free Living

Despite their surprising health risks, fragrances are in products families use every day. Learn why & how to avoid them to create a more toxic chemical free home.
Force of Nature Sustainability Commitment

Our Sustainability Commitment

Learn about our commitment to sustainability and how we’ve designed our products to raise the bar on health for people & our planet.
Here's how Force of Nature compares to common cleaning products

How Does Force of Nature Compare?

Learn how Force of Nature compares to common cleaning products on cleaning & disinfecting power, ingredients, cost and sustainability.
How to kill mold without bleach

How To Kill Mold Without Bleach

Killing and preventing mold from growing back is a major challenge. People often reach for bleach without knowing that there is an alternative way to kill mold without bleach or other toxic chemicals.
What You're Cleaning With Matters

Why What You’re Cleaning With Matters

From compromising the health of your staff, to protecting people from sickness-causing germs, what you’re cleaning with matters. Everyone is looking for healthier cleaning products, but it’s tricky to find ones that work. Learn what’s hiding in typical commercial cleaning products and a new alternative that’s toxin-free.

How To Use Force of Nature Pro, our EPA-Registered Disinfecting Solution, To Protect Your Athletes

When working with athletes, we know your top concern is keeping them safe and healthy. Unfortunately, so many commercial cleaning and disinfecting products contain toxic chemicals that can have a lasting negative impact on health. Here’s how you can use Force of Nature and Force of Nature Pro to keep your athletic facility clean and protect your team members, clients, and the planet.
Using Force of Nature to clean and disinfect a college campus

Keeping Your College Campus Clean and Disinfected With Force of Nature

Kids may grow up, but they don’t grow out of germs. As a college or university, you’ve probably seen this first-hand as bugs and viruses spread like rapid-fire through your campus. Force of Nature provides an effective all-in-1 cleaning, deodorizing, sanitizing, and disinfecting solution without toxic chemicals. Here are our top tips to clean and your disinfect campus while avoiding unsafe chemicals.
Fight Back Against Gym Germs

Fight Back Against Common Gym Germs With EPA-Registered Disinfectant

Gyms are all about health and wellness, but, as a gym owner, you know more than anyone that gyms can be a hotbed for some pretty scary germs, bacteria, and viruses. The cleaning industry is poorly regulated when it comes to health, so many cleaning chemicals are actually making us sick. We’re here to help! Our revolutionary device, Force of Nature Pro, can help you effectively clean, sanitize, and disinfect without exposing your clients and staff to harmful chemicals.