Does Force of Nature Cleaner really work? Certifications

Does Force of Nature Cleaner really work?

Salt, water, vinegar – you’re wondering does Force of Nature Cleaner really work? Learn about the organizations and experts who have tested and certified our product.
what is hypochlorous acid?

What Is Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl)?

Wait, it’s in my body? Just what is hypochlorous acid anyway? Learn the scoop on nature’s oldest disinfectant: how it’s made & what it’s used for.
Is Hypochlorous Acid Safe For Your Skin?

Is Hypochlorous Acid Safe For Skin?

Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) is getting a lot of attention lately for its powerful disinfecting properties and its gentleness on surfaces. So, is it safe to use in skincare products? Short anwer: YES! In fact, it’s long been used in medical and veterinary care and is now being harnessed in new ways for dermatological purposes. Here’s what you need to know about hypochlorous acid and your skin.

Using Hypochlorous Acid For Your Business: What You Need To Know

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is gaining popularity for business disinfecting as a gentle and safe option that doesn’t pack the toxic downside of so many conventional disinfectants. Here’s what you need to know about hypochlorous acid and how to harness its bacteria and virus-killing power for your business.
Safe alternative to bleach

How To Use Hypochlorous Acid As A Better Alternative To Bleach

When you think disinfecting, do you immediately think bleach? Bleach (or sodium hypochlorite) is a serious chemical and needs to be used extremely carefully around kids, pets and those with respiratory conditions like asthma and allergies. Here’s what you need to know about using hypochlorous acid (HOCl) as a gentler alternative to bleach – one that is still effective against bacteria and viruses.