Why Businesses Should Not Disinfect With Bleach

Why Businesses Should Not Disinfect With Bleach

At this point, most business owners could probably defend a Ph.D. thesis on the importance of disinfecting during a global pandemic to keep staff and clients safe from COVID-19. The cleaning product industry is weakly regulated and, shockingly, many of the products commonly used for disinfecting and cleaning cause serious adverse health effects. Perhaps the most famous of these is bleach (sodium hypochlorite), a chemical that is used in a variety of household cleaning products and laundry detergents due to its ability to kill bacteria and germs. As we navigate this uncertain time and look to disinfectant and cleaning products to help keep our people and clients safe, here’s what you need to know about bleach, why businesses should avoid using it, and a better alternative for a powerful disinfectant that is gentle enough to use on surfaces without rinsing!

Reasons Not To Use Bleach For Your Business Disinfecting

Bleach is commonly listed on labels as chlorine bleach or sodium hypochlorite.

What Is Bleach?

Sodium hypochlorite or chlorine bleach can be a highly corrosive agent that is used to sanitize and disinfect.

Why Should You Avoid Using Bleach Around Your Clients and Employees?

1. It Can Be Corrosive

Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach) can be highly corrosive and can cause burns to eyes and skin as well as throat irritation and gastric burns.

2. It’s A Respiratory Irritant Linked to Multiple Health Risks

Bleach is linked to multiple health risks so it’s important to minimize exposure to it. It can be caustic to our delicate respiratory systems and can trigger attacks and complications for those with allergies and asthma. As a result, the CDC recommends that bleach should be not be used around people with asthma or allergies. Bleach can also cause asthma in people who don’t already have it, in addition to triggering attacks in people who have already been diagnosed with asthma. The long term use of bleach, along with with other disinfectants, has been linked to a significantly higher risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

3. It Requires Safety Precautions To Use

Bleach’s health risk profile means it’s important to follow directions closely and wear the recommended safety gear, like gloves, when you’re using it to avoid the chemicals from burning your skin. It’s also important to maintain a well-ventilated area when using bleach. Studies have shown that over the long term, exposure to cleaning and disinfecting products can be as harmful to our bodies as smoking 20 cigarettes a day.

4. It Can Be A Deadly Poison

Ingestion of cleaning products is one of the most common reasons for poisonings in the US and has increased exponentially during the pandemic as disinfectant use has increased. Bleach can be a deadly poison when swallowed by children and, when mixed with other powerful cleaning products, like ammonia, it creates chlorine gas which is deadly if inhaled. As with all conventional cleaning products, bleach should never be mixed with any other product unless following the exact instructions of the manufacturer and it should be labeled and stored carefully away from children and pets.

5. It Doesn’t Have A Long Shelf-Life

People consider bleach to be shelf-stable and often buy large containers of bleach. Bleach begins to lose its efficacy after only six months, even if stored in its original bottle. Diluted bleach, as some use in DIY cleaning products, is only effective for about one day, so you can’t mix up a batch in advance and use it over time. Diluting bleach must be done according to instructions to avoid creating a dangerously concentrated or weak and ineffective solution.

A Better Alternative

We’re happy (and proud!) to say there is a better way! Force of Nature is a powerful disinfectant that is EPA-registered and is on the EPA’s list N for disinfectants approved for use against SARS-CoV-2, the cause of Covid-19. And in case you’re wondering about the variants, EPA expects all products on List N to kill all strains and variants of SARS-CoV-2. Our revolutionary cleaning system harnesses the power of hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which is the same compound our own immune systems create to fight off pathogens! Best of all: it’s made starting with everyday, household ingredients: salt, vinegar, and water, and can be used around children, the elderly, and those with asthma and allergies. Force of Nature is certified 100% top allergen-free and best for sensitive skin by Mayo Clinic’s allergy rating system – and is even being used by dermatologists to help treat and heal irritated skin and the “mask-ne” caused by face coverings.

Learn more about how you can use Force of Nature as a better alternative to bleach for your business cleaning and disinfecting. Want to buy in bulk, or need to make enough of our formula for several bottles a day? We’ve got you covered on that too with Force of Nature Pro, our large capacity appliance that makes 32 or 64 oz of all-in-one cleaner, deodorizer and disinfectant.

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